Home Medical Care: nursing at home

NURSING AT HOME Although the average cat has few illnesses requiring prolonged hospitalization during his or her lifetime, many minor illnesses can become severe if proper home care is not provided. Most veterinarians are anxious to have your cat recuperate at home if you can provide adequate nursing. It also saves money and will draw … Read more

Geriatric Medicine: euthanasia

EUTHANASIA It would be nice if all old pets who died did so peacefully in their sleep with no previous signs of illness. This doesn’t always happen, though, and sometimes you must decide whether to end your cat’s life or allow a progressive disease to continue. This is never an easy decision. A mutually close … Read more

Geriatric Medicine: hyperthyroidism

HYPERTHYROIDISM Hyperthyroidism occurs when there is overproduction and excessive secretion of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. It is the most common disorder of the endocrine glands of cats. In most instances, hyperthyroidism results from a benign increase in the number of active cells in the affected gland (adenomatous hyperplasia, thyroid adenoma), but rarely it … Read more

Geriatric Medicine: Constipation and Kidney Disease

CONSTIPATION Difficult or infrequent passage of stools (constipation) is one of the more common but usually not serious problems of older cats. Aging changes often result in loss of muscle tone that, when combined with a suboptimal diet or changes in digestive process, result in recurrent constipation. Many older cats, especially those with kidney disease, … Read more

Geriatric Medicine: tumors (neoplasms, cancers)

TUMORS (NEOPLASMS, CANCERS) A tumor is an abnormal growth of tissue (neoplasm means new growth). Benign tumors are those that are likely to remain at the site of their original growth. Malignant tumors (cancers) are neoplastic growths that invade surrounding tissue and travel via blood vessels or lymph channels to other body sites where they … Read more

Geriatric Medicine: osteoarthritis (arthritis)

OSTEOARTHRITIS (ARTHRITIS) Osteoarthritis is a joint disease in which the cartilages (fibrous caps) covering the articular surfaces of the bones degenerate and bony proliferation (excess bone growth) occurs. This condition usually results in pain and lameness of the joints involved. It may occur in single joints of young animals with congenital joint defects or following … Read more

Geriatric Medicine: lens sclerosis

LENS SCLEROSIS The formation of new fibers in the lens of the cat’s eye continues throughout life. As new fibers are formed the older ones are compressed and pushed toward the center of the lens. This results in a continually increasing density of the lens. The lens also loses water as it ages, another factor … Read more

Geriatric Medicine: Heart Disease

HEART DISEASE Heart disease may occur in cats of any age. When it develops in an older cat it may be overlooked until the heart is in severe failure and the animal is in a crisis situation. The first outwardly visible compensation a cat may make for decreased heart function is reduced activity that many … Read more

Geriatric Medicine: diabetes mellitus

DIABETES MELLITUS Diabetes mellitus (diabetes) is a disease that occurs most often in cats older than seven. It develops when an absolute or relative deficiency of the pancreatic hormone insulin occurs, interfering with the normal transport and utilization of glucose (blood sugar). Diabetes mellitus in cats is identical to the disease that occurs in people … Read more

Geriatric Medicine: Deafness

DEAFNESS Gradual loss of hearing occurs as cats age, but not as frequently as in older dogs. The anatomical changes responsible for hearing loss in old cats are not well established, and treatment is not possible. Inattentiveness or unresponsiveness to calling is often one of the first signs of hearing loss. A crude test for … Read more